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Category: accounting

partnership between companies sprada accounting

Partnership Between Companies? Get to know SCP!

As the most globalized world, markets are becoming increasingly competitive, and a way that entrepreneurs found to avoid suffering losses or even bankruptcy, was to create business partnerships, to form this, become allies in the success of an enterprise. Since cooperation between companies mitigates business risk by […]

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real profit accounting desk

Real Profit in Small Business: It is worth it?

Before analyzing whether real profit is valid for a small business, It is necessary to differentiate between real profit and presumed profit. Presumed profit is normally adopted by companies that have annual revenue of up to R$ 48 million. In that case, Income Tax and CSLL (Social Contribution on Net Profit) […]

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sprada accounting office for work or profit

Ways to Pay Partners: Salary or Owner's Draw

When two or more people start a business partnership, the main doubts are: how and when will I receive my payment? Can I randomly withdraw amounts from the company's cash register?? It is necessary to account for every penny taken from the company's cash flow? I'm a partner, So I can withdraw the amount I want, right?  Well then, when if […]

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sprada accounting office

How well-done accounting increases company revenue

When accounting is done by an excellent professional, the advantages are immense.. With impeccable accounting, it is possible to guarantee savings and thus increase company revenues.. It is not only with efficient administration that it is possible to achieve greater savings. Accounting is also essential to ensure greater income. A good accountant is capable […]

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curitiba accounting

How a company's accounting should be carried out

A company's accounting must follow all legal and quality parameters to guarantee excellent results and avoid any problems with the country's tax legislation.. Accounting is also fundamental to the proper functioning of a profitable legal institution.. It is essential to ensure an excellent accounting sector in the company. This sector is responsible […]

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sprada accounting

The importance of accounting

The importance of accounting is extremely high. Blood is to our body what money is to a company. And accounting is the science that studies the flow of money in the company. Continue reading below to find out a little more. Accounting within companies must be carried out periodically. Maintain accounting records […]

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