How well-done accounting increases company revenue

sprada accounting office

When accounting is done by an excellent professional, the advantages are immense.. With impeccable accounting, it is possible to guarantee savings and thus increase company revenues.. It is not only with efficient administration that it is possible to achieve greater savings. Accounting is also essential to ensure greater income.

A good accountant is capable of making several changes to company standards and finding weak points that generate unnecessary expenses and eliminating them once and for all to guarantee companies increased revenue.. Increases can often be quite significant depending on previous accounting management.

Excessive and unnecessary costs

In some administrations, unnecessary costs can increase significantly. Especially when the calculations have small errors that ultimately generate expenses and reduce company income.. Administrators are responsible for minimizing these errors since these, are found by the counter. This is a fundamental part of ensuring more savings for companies.

Avoiding expenses is one of the biggest concerns of all companies in the world. For the activity to be profitable, it is important to secure a place in the market. And that means always being aware of the competition and keeping prices basically similar.. Any failures in the processes can bring imbalance to this intrinsic factor of the economy. The higher the expenses, the higher the prices for the final products.. The economy in each sector is essential to guarantee the quality of products and prices compatible with the competition and consequently the final income of commercial activity..

This is precisely where good accounting comes in to avoid any non-operational expenses within a company.. The more detailed the accounting activity, the greater the possibilities of savings for the different sectors of companies.. These savings in your financial processes directly reflect an increase in your final income.

Correct classification of the business category and its taxes

The correct classification of companies in their respective categories is carried out by the accountant during the company founding processes. As the accountant is responsible for the initial stabilization of all accounting procedures, it is up to him to correctly frame the company in its economic activity and thus ensure correct taxation for its commercial activities..

Failure to classify a company in its category can generate incorrect government taxes and this causes unnecessary expenses.. Each category has its own tax rate according to the economic activity carried out.. Being perfectly qualified guarantees correct taxation and puts the company on the same level as its competitors.

Each business segment has its appropriate category and also its specific taxation. It is important to be adequately framed to ensure not only savings but also operational legality. Some of these different categories are:

  • Limited company
  • Individual entrepreneur
  • Individual limited liability company (EGGS)
  • Individual micro entrepreneur (MEI)
  • Business society
  • joint stock company (S/A)
  • Limited partnership
  • Limited partnership with shares
  • Simple society
  • Non-profit
  • General partnership

Double taxation and excess taxation

Double taxation is a very big problem that occurs in Brazil and to avoid these fees, accounting must be carried out with great attention and with full accounting knowledge of the accountant in question.. Double taxation occurs when, due to failures in tax legislation or even when the accountant is inexperienced, taxes on service provision or product sales are double taxed. Double taxation is a controversial issue linked to accounting processes and Brazilian tax legislation.

With so many different taxes levied on companies, it is easy to get lost and end up falling into double taxation.. Each business activity has its specific taxation, however, at certain times double taxation ends up appearing. When the accountant is very experienced, these difficult to understand errors can be observed and thus avoided.. Constantly falling into double taxation causes great losses to companies and getting rid of these taxes is a great option to guarantee an increase in income from commercial activity..

Excess taxes occur when problems arise in inventory management. Each raw material purchased has different prices taking into account the different dates they are purchased. To manage this initial stock, it is important to have solid knowledge of stock control.. If the management of these stocks is not satisfactory or contains errors, products may be overcharged with taxes. Well-done accounting in this sector guarantees correct taxation for each material purchased at its price.

Stocks must receive special care for perfectly functional management and avoid incorrect rotations and taxation at inopportune and excessive moments. To ensure perfect control of stock items, the accountant uses software specially developed for stock management.. Do not confuse the inventory management carried out by the accountant with the inventories themselves. The accountant manages and maintains accounting control of stocks and not of the materials themselves.. When this management is applied in a functional and correct way, inventory control becomes fully operational., there is no risk of product loss, drops in profitability, problems in managing the prices of final products and much less incorrect and excess taxation.

Balance sheets and accounting surveys

Balance sheets are accounting surveys that provide accounting users with detailed information on all of the company's financial activities.. This information must be clear and completely detailed. The data presented by accounting must be carefully analyzed by the company's management to make decisions within the commercial activity.

Through these accounting surveys it will be possible to examine each economic component of the company. The prices of the products to be sold, the stocks, raw materials who enter and leave the company, employee and partner payrolls, These are some of the information collected by accounting in a company and through all of this it is possible to outline exactly the measures and actions to be taken to maintain profitable and operational activity..

In short

Well-done accounting increases company income. There are many factors analyzed by the accountant and which directly impact the income of economic activity. Accounting is responsible for managing all of a company's finances and must be carried out with commitment and total dedication. Better accounting can improve the income of your commercial activity? Leave your comment.


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